Photo of three copies of Greg talking to the camera in front of black-highlighted poetry.

Dr. Greg Langner in purple-shirt triplicate with black-highlighted fragmented poetry displayed in the background during a 2021 live virtual performance with the Southern States Communication Association Conference.

Greg Langner is a tenured Assistant Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Antelope Valley College in the northern region of Los Angeles County. Building on backgrounds in community organizing, arts management, campaign politics, and public performance, Greg's Ph.D. in Communication Studies (with a graduate minor in Film and Media Arts) focused on critical, creative, and ethnographic research methods. Interrogating plainly uneven worldviews and the destructive behaviors always following them, Greg's practice-centered research applies the values of embodied knowledge, individual intuition, scientific inquiry, and collaborative experience — with sharp interest in the potential of creative and digital media to influence individual and social change. (TLDR: geeky professor researching the persuasive potential of public performance).

I've also got a real particular kick, if you happen to notice, for cartoons and their expressive value in contemporary culture, majorly motivated by life as a genderqueer and atypical learner. 

~ Greg 🤍

This work identifies across the human experience the increasingly relevant trend of animated cartoons escaping the technologically two-dimensional film, television, and tablet screens which have prominently defined the medium for generations, appearing beyond — in corporeal form — to occupy and share our same physical space in materially impactful ways, which are impossible to ignore . . .

. . . with each weekday watching I found in just 30 minutes allowed a vibrant, and visceral, and unsubdued sense of self clinging playfully but desperately to the endless expressivity of each cartoon’s perfect plasticities and possibilities; their unique and fantastical capacities to capture, create, and satiate the basic human freedoms of thought and expression.

~ @ Society for Animation Studies 2023 | Rowan University

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